Saturday, January 14, 2012

Leave it to me...

Of course if anyone were to get hurt on the project, it would be me!  Michael and I had a crazy few nights of painting the house when the fall happened.  I had just finished painting one of the closet walls and was moving the ladder, paint tray, and myself to the next section.  I'm not even sure how or what happened, but somehow I managed to get my clumsy self tangled up in the ladder.  Knowing I was going to fall, I took a split second and decided I WOULD NOT fall into the wall I had just got done painting.  Looking back, I should have--the landing would have been softer and touching up or repainting the wall really wouldn't have taken much time.  I hurt my knee (which, I'm still complaining about...) and also had the ladder fall on me.  BIG kudos to Michael for not instantly laughing me.  He was able to hold off the laughter once he knew I was alive and not crying.  Also, a big kudos to Michael's mom for relentlessly trying to convince Michael that the only thing that could possibly make me 'better' would be a shopping spree.  
Although I didn't get a shopping spree out of the deal, I did get a scar that will always be a reminder of the project and a HUGE bowl of ice cream.  Ice cream makes everything better!   We of course had to reinact the fall for everyone--enjoy!
Aaaand I'm down...
So sad...I even ripped my jeans!

Up close and personal--not looking so bad, YET!


  1. It isn't too late for a shopping spree. I think it would be very therapeutic. Especially if it was in Chicago!


  2. Hey guys! Your house adventures look fun (and frustrating, and hard, and tiring, and satisfying, etc, etc). Maybe clumsiness is a Powers gene because I would certainly be falling off ladders too if I was on them often :) xoxo

  3. :( :(.... glad you got some ice cream after the big 'incident'. I hope you made the fall graceful - on second thought, it probably wasn't graceful at all ;)... still love you! xo
