Sunday, May 27, 2012

Who are these cute people?!

So, I am apparently the WORST blogger ever.  We are moved into the house!!  We have been so busy organizing and trying to clean up the inside and outside of Maywood in preparation for summer that I have totally fallen out of the blogging mode.  I promise I will get back at it!  So, just in case you have been missing us, here's a pic of us painting the bathroom/kitchen tile floor (yes, again--this time in a 'flat' finish..that 'semi-gloss' finish always made the floor look wet) and the guest room wood floor looking oh, so cute in our plaid work shirts!
The paint reeked, but we are having fun!

Getting between the cracks...very important!

Go, Michael, go!

Rockin' my kneepads and having fun!

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