Friday, December 16, 2011

Check out these hostas!

Aside from the view, one of the best features of Maywood is the landscaping.  It is filled with lovely, healthy, and huge hostas.  At the first part of spring, we knew we needed to spread mulch around the trees and hostas.  Off we went to Menards to buy mulch while it was on sale.  We ended up using 85 bags total.  Yes, 85.  It took so long to spread, but it was totally worth it.  We refused to make 2 trips to Menards, so we of course piled the bags as high as possible into the back of the truck.  We only lost a few bags along the way.  A special thanks to my dad for salvaging a couple bags that fell off the truck and into his yard!  Ha!
That's a lot of mulch! 

So many kinds of hostas in the front yard!

Hostas lining the pathway. 

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