Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our first blog post

Hello everyone!  This is our first attempt at a blog.  The reason for the blog?  We are currently doing a major renovation on our home, and have family members who live too far away to see the progress.  So, after much nagging and convincing, we are finally creating this blog to keep everyone up to date on changes made to the house.  Michael flips homes as part of his career, and I help with whatever I can help with.  I am a pediatric nurse, so home renovation is not my forte, but I have become quite handy along the way (well, in my opinion...).  While Michael has flipped many homes and resold them to new owners, this is our second home we have lived in that we have renovated. Our first home was a 2 bedroom condo on the lake that we renovated completely to a beautiful and modern condo.  Our current home we are renovating is an old, old, cottage on the lake.  This is a new style for us that has made this an overwhelming, yet fun, renovation.  So, without further rambling on my part, here's to the beginning of the story of our renovation on the home we affectionately call "Maywood."

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