Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Some serious destruction

The name of this post is the only way to describe what we did to the inside of the house.  Flooring was removed, walls and ceilings were torn down, windows were replaced, and doors were removed and replaced.  We also found some old and now worthless insulation that was removed by the shovel full.  We had some extra help at night to speed along the destruction so Brian and Jason could focus on other things during the day.  Michael was able to help with all of the actual physical destruction.  I, however, would have just been in the way and focused on rounding up dinner for everyone who was working late those nights.  A special thanks to our friend Aaron Maytum for helping out with the destruction process and for recommending the guys we were able to hire for the extra help!
By time the destruction was done, the house was unrecognizable and was pretty much down to just the outside walls and studs.  Here's a bunch of pics of the process!
The first hole in any wall. Piles of little pebbles of insulation came POURING out.  It was a disaster in itself!


Kitchen 2

Living room looking into the guest bed/office.

Looking down to the living room. 

Guest bed/office.  Look at all the insulation!

Guest bed/office

Upstairs bedroom

Upstairs bedroom/sitting area. 

Looking through bedroom 1 to bedroom 2 upstairs

Ceiling in living room


The tile floor was in the screened in porch that is now GONE!

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